Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Wedding, Christmas plans and other family things

Our 5th family wedding for the year was yesterday - we traveled to the cities in the first snowfall of the year. The wedding was beautiful and we were able to spend quality time with many family members. My niece Maria was absolutely radiant and they (the bride and groom) looked so happy.

Our son Chris said lots of goodbyes to aunts, uncles and cousins - this is the last time he will see most of them before he ships out. He hopes to be back for the next wedding scheduled in June 2011.

We had lots of questions about how Brit and the babies were doing. It is a good thing we had just been there and I was able to answer the questions.

Jackie, Nicks girlfriend, caught the bridal bouquet - actually the bouquet was really 3 separate ones so 3 girls 'caught' the bouquet. And one of them, Anna, the brides sister, became engaged TODAY. - WOW do those bouquets work fast.

Kelsey was bummed missing the wedding. Friday at 8 PM she was still trying to figure out a ride to the cities so she could be there.

My brother Brad showed up for the reception for a short time. He was involved in a hunting accident last Sunday. He is doing well after spending several nights in the hospital. Most of his recovery will be from the 8-10 foot fall out of the tree stand. Family who saw him in the hospital said he looks amazing compared to where he had been just a few short days ago.

I am still recovering from this cold. It still stinks. I am going back to work tomorrow. I want to be sure I have enough PTO days to have time off when the babies come home. I have a feeling there will be a well worn road from our house to the babies by next summer.

We are almost completely ready for our early family Christmas. Since Chris leaves December 13th and since we knew Brit would most likely be on bed-rest or at least not able to travel 4+ hours. We decided to have Christmas at Brit and Ken's the Saturday after Thanksgiving. T and I and Kelsey will spend Thanksgiving with them then on Friday we plan to decorate their house putting up the tree and whatever else Brit wants. Nick and Chris and their girlfriends will come on Friday. Saturday we will wake up and have Christmas just like it is Christmas morning.

Traditionally most everyone in my extended family celebrates on Christmas Eve. T's family never really celebrated Christmas. We always spent Christmas Eve at my parents so we always did our thing on Christmas morning. This was necessary since Todd had church obligations for all masses. Christmas Brunch and gift opening with games and family time in the afternoon always worked best for us.

We realize Christmas is not about presents and we will celebrate Christmas at Christmas but this year is special. I think we are ready - I feel ready. I have presents to wrap and really just 3 things to buy that will need to be wrapped. Food to buy and prepare. The kids already told me what they would like and it is all the simplest things we made from the time they were little. I hope to bake a few cookies either on Friday or the weekend before Thanksgiving.

Please Lord be with us and with our family. Keep us safe - protect us. Help us to use the time we have together to be joyous and filled with good memories.

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