Tuesday, March 22, 2011

TSA and other events

Our son was home for his 10 day leave and left this morning for further training.

He has had some awesome experiences.

On our flight home from graduation the pilot announced that there was a special guest on board - a newly minted Marine - and asked the passengers to give him a hand. He said "Welcome to the family -Semper Fi". There was a lot of applause and several passengers thanked him for his service. Our son was was very embarrassed and said I haven't done anything yet.

Today at the airport he and several other young Marines were upgraded to first class -they did not ask for an upgrade. There was an airport official who was watching for these Marines and moving them to the front of the queue. Another official asked us if we knew we could get gate passes to go with him to his gate. We did not know this and with her telling us we were able to be with him for another hour before his flight. He called us during his layover to tell us that the pilot had acknowledged the Marines on his flight thanking them for their service. And in the airport waiting for their connecting flight an unknown benefactor bought lunch for about 30 Marines.

We hear so many negative things I want to remember these positives

Monday, March 14, 2011

A newly minted Marine

This was our Marine on family day He had On Base Liberty to be with us for about 5 hours. Chris is front and center.

This is Private Warren and Private Lodin both from Minnesota immediately after Graduation and leaving the Parade Deck!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Time for a trip

We have been waiting since last April when Chris enlisted to go to San Diego for his graduation from Boot camp. That day is finally coming fast. A week from today we will be on our way. We will see him on Thursday for On Base liberty and he will leave base with us on Friday after graduation ceremonies.
This past week we saw a picture of his platoon Here is the most recent picture of my son.

At 2 AM on Tuesday (California time) he began the Crucible -a 54 hour test of all he has learned. He is going without much sleep and without much food (they get the equivalent of 2.5 meals). At 8 AM (California time) on Thursday he will hike back to base with his squad and the entire company to be pinned with the Eagle Globe and Anchor and he will be a MARINE !! I can't wait to give my son a hug <3.