Tuesday, November 30, 2010

almost hump day - December 1st

My kids

I am home from work and I am reflecting on the past week.
With the travel and the busyness of the weekend festivities I have had little time to prepare for advent. I don't want to lose sight of Advent. It seems like I am still overwhelmed with other things. Tomorrow is December 1st. My guess for the grand-babies birthday is Dec 2nd. It looks like I will lose. However since they will make me a grandma I am a winner!

Brittany and Ken

Saturday we celebrated Christmas. It was fun. The weekend was little heart wrenching at times knowing that after the 13th we do not know when we will all be together again.

It was hard for Kelsey and she had a minor breakdown at one point feeling like the odd man out. Both boys had their girlfriends there for our Christmas celebration. And however much everyone tried to ensure she was not left out there came a time when she simply felt alone with all of us and simply put she had a hissy fit- a drama time. She acted like a 4 year old and she probably was more embarrassed after.


I think it has been hard knowing that the next time she comes home Chris will be gone. All of us will get to see him over the next 2 weeks. She will not. She has been the farthest away during this time. Brittany might get to see him again depending on when the babies arrive. I need to remember that each of us reacts differently to changes and loss in our lives whether the loss is real or perceived.

Nick and Jackie

Tonight Chris is cleaning his room. He is packing up books and belongings. Who knows when he will need these things again. He has moved the desk out creating a place for a crib to be set up. It makes me want to cry. The time is getting closer.

When the girls left for college I could go visit them and talk to them on the phone or computer they could come home when they were homesick. For the next 3 months we will be able to write letters. We know we will see him at his graduation and after that June? Sometimes I would like to have my own hissy fit. I want to have control over something that I have no control over.

I already know that I will miss my son. Will he be homesick? Will he know how much he is missed? Will I be able to be the support that Todd and the other kids need when they go through their own time of missing Chris?
Oh Lord please give me the peace and strength I need to send my baby- my youngest son off to Boot Camp.

Chris and Megan

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh, I could cry reading this. I can't imagine how hard this must be, as a mom. Praying for you :)
