Monday, October 25, 2010

October is almost over & I'm closer to being a baby holding grandma

I really don't have a reason for this blog.
I am not certain what it is for or where it will go.

Right now I see 2 things happening the first is that I am using it to come out of lurkdom. There are times I want to comment on a blog entry and not feel like I am a creeper.
The other reason is that my life is so full these days and this gives me a place to reflect on the busy-ness of life. I always thought as the kids grew up and graduated that life would quiet down and there would be less to do.

Reality is that we are busier and needing to travel more with the girls living 4.5 and 6.5 hours away. I am preparing for more time on the road when our grand-babies arrive (In less than 7 weeks)!

Both boys are now set for boot camp. Chris leaves in December with graduation in San Diego in March and Nick leaves next July with graduation in San Antonio in September. Nick will return to Minnesota after graduation and do weekend drills. Chris went active duty and we think he will out east somewhere for advanced training and school for about a year. And then we expect he will be overseas.

I wish I could go part time at work especially after a weekend like this past one. I love my job but I desire to be able to help my children out with grandchildren if I am able.
back to my reason for this blog - for now I will write for myself without a real direction and ask for guidance if there needs to be something more.

Fall leaves have all fallen and the weekend has been rainy and wet. We still have mosquitoes though, it has not been cold enough to freeze them out. Here are a few fall pics from a walk in my parents woods before the leaves were gone.

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