Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A prayer bowl.

My walking buddy called and canceled this morning. She has been walking with a gimp hip and this morning it hurt too much to walk. So I find myself here. I am so excited for Lauren and her husband at the adoption of their baby girl. I took a moment to look through the number of women that are either pregnant or have adopted in the few short months that I have been lurking on blogs. That number is amazing. But on the other side are those that still wait. The women of this IF blogging group has taught me much about faith. And I they are in my prayers. Lately I have been examining my prayer life. And I have more questions then answers.
How do people remember to pray? My days get so busy and after morning prayer I find myself getting busy with things of the day. I have a song I often play as I drive to work that says I will make this day my prayer..... Then I start my day and by supper I am so tired I have forgotten that this day and everything I did was my prayer my offering to our Lord... UGGH!
A while back we started burning a prayer candle. My husband lights it each day and we have a small bowl near it with our prayer list cut into small pieces. When that candle is burning we remember all of our prayer intentions in our bowl. I get so busy through out the day that I needed a visible reminder to pray when I get home. Do other people have trouble with this? Do they have cues to help them remember to refocus our efforts and prayer?

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