Sunday, August 22, 2010

The end of summer or all I can do is pray

I always have a hard time the end of August. No matter how many things we did with our kids through the summer I wished that we had more time together before school starts again. It was not easy to change thought process and get excited about getting ready for school to begin.

Excitement of new classes, getting back with friends not seen since summer began and the anticipation of new friends. Shopping for new shoes and the multitude of notebooks and folders each child needed.

Life did not change so much over the years. The kids left for college and the heartbreak of the end of summer was a little more since we would see them a lot less. But children grow up and we need to let go and pray for them always.
My oldest daughter was home twice this past week both times without her husband. The first time for a cousins wedding and the second time for a bridal shower for a cousin whose wedding she most likely miss. She is at 21 weeks with twins. When she left for her home it was another chapter ending the next time she walks into our house she will be bringing babies with her. I don't expect her back before March. Hopefully we will be able to go there a few times. In the meantime I will pray.

My oldest son shot his first wedding this month. The pictures turned out amazing. I am not certain what is in his future and I worry about his relationship commitment and his job. He is struggling with money and lives in our basement. Sometimes I think he would be better off if he moved out and other times I am glad he is here since his girlfriend is here every weekend and she sleeps on our sofa. (underlined they do not sleep together under our roof.) His girlfriend is a really nice young woman. She also struggles with jobs, currently lives with her parents and hates what she does. All I can do is pray.

Our youngest daughter is getting ready to move back to college. She will finish with degrees in communications and technical theater. I worry about her paying back school loans and making ends meet and friends. This young woman is so black and white in many of her views. She lives the farthest away right now -6 1/2 hours. She is 2+ hours farther then her sister. I worry about her future. All I can do is pray.

Our youngest son is watching his friends pack up for college. He told me yesterday he is "freaking" excited about his own plans. He has no regrets about his decision. Last night he went to Wicked with his girlfriend. This was the last thing they planned to do before she leaves for college next weekend. Well, going to the theater and breaking up. When they started dating 3 months ago they made plans for this breakup. My son is leaving in December for boot camp. He wanted this young woman to be able to go and meet people and do the college thing without worrying about her boyfriend in the Marine Corps. In my head I know they are making a good decision there will be no Dear John or Dear Jane letters. They may both meet someone else or God may bring them back together. In my heart I know that we cannot turn love off like a water faucet. This will be more difficult then either of them expects. All I can do is pray.

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