Tuesday, September 14, 2010

10 things

10. I love to be outdoors and grew up on a hobby farm. I could put a chicken to sleep tucking it's head under it's wing and moving it in a large circle. Then laying it on the ground it would sleep until we nudged it with our toe. Seems mean now.... making that chicken too dizzy to move!!.

9. When I was a kid (on said farm) we would play cowboys and Indians in the woods. Mom would call us in for lunch and supper by honking the car horn. It was a wonderful childhood.

8. I met my husband in a bar....I saved him from getting beat up.

7. We were engaged after knowing each other 6 weeks.

6. After 13 years of wedded bliss we FINALLY went on our honeymoon. We went to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) in northern Minnesota. We were away 3 nights. 1 night in Grand Marais - we left all our cheese and lunch meat in the fridge at that motel. 1 night in the BWCAW -lots of work to go for 1 night. 1 night at a campground on the way back home. ( I figure I am still waiting for my honeymoon ....or I am still on it!!!)

5. Our belated honeymoon was the first time we camped by ourselves.

4. We took our kids to every state park in Minnesota starting in 1992. We finished this on July 22nd, 2000. (It took us 8 years to get to every state park but there were several years we didn't go to any new parks.) (And we actually never made it to Franz Jevne SP along the Canadian border. please don't tell anyone they might take away our plaque.) The road was washed out when we got there. The wash out wasn't marked and we got stuck trying to turn around our big purple conversion van pulling a red trailer loaded with camping gear. We got pulled out by a tractor, the drivers window got stuck wide open while we were in this predicament. A boy came by on a four-wheeler to visit his dad who was stuck in the park. His dad been camping when the road washed out and he stayed to fish. The boy first went to get a farmer with the tractor to pull us out and then he took our State Park passport book to the park to get the stamp. So we didn't make it to the park.... but we saw it through the trees across the washed out road :P Oh, and we had to stop in the nearest town to get our window fixed by the time we got out to the campground it was after supper and we were the only ones camping in a park of over 3000 acres.

3. #4 counts for 2 at least

2. I have flown 3 times (there and back counts as 1). Once as a junior in high school with my grandma who threw up the whole way. The second time with my husband just 1 month after 9/11 -that was an experience. And the 3rd time in 2004 to get my stubborn daughter from Australia who was trying to decide if she was ready to come home. She called me the angel of death when I got off the plane.

1. For our 25th wedding anniversary my husband and I went on a sunrise hot air balloon ride. I would do it again.

The real #3 -I am an awesome procrastinator.

A prayer bowl.

My walking buddy called and canceled this morning. She has been walking with a gimp hip and this morning it hurt too much to walk. So I find myself here. I am so excited for Lauren and her husband at the adoption of their baby girl. I took a moment to look through the number of women that are either pregnant or have adopted in the few short months that I have been lurking on blogs. That number is amazing. But on the other side are those that still wait. The women of this IF blogging group has taught me much about faith. And I they are in my prayers. Lately I have been examining my prayer life. And I have more questions then answers.
How do people remember to pray? My days get so busy and after morning prayer I find myself getting busy with things of the day. I have a song I often play as I drive to work that says I will make this day my prayer..... Then I start my day and by supper I am so tired I have forgotten that this day and everything I did was my prayer my offering to our Lord... UGGH!
A while back we started burning a prayer candle. My husband lights it each day and we have a small bowl near it with our prayer list cut into small pieces. When that candle is burning we remember all of our prayer intentions in our bowl. I get so busy through out the day that I needed a visible reminder to pray when I get home. Do other people have trouble with this? Do they have cues to help them remember to refocus our efforts and prayer?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bible Study

This week we started Acts. I am SO EXCITED!! Jeff Cavins Bible Timeline series is a wonderful way to learn the bible. He has so much knowledge and is able to pull it all together not just for our present day and learning our Catholic faith. He also shows how the life of Jesus was a reliving of the Jewish history. Now in Act he will show how the New Christians will be reliving the life of Jesus. I am truly in awe and encourage everyone to participate in the study if they have a chance. We did the first study The bible time line 2 years in a row. We did Matthew and Revelation last year and this year we will do Acts then in the spring we plan to do a 10 week Catholism 101 course.

Yay Jeff Cavins !!! Yay Bible Study!!! ! am SO EXCITED!!!