Thursday, December 30, 2010

We Got Mail !!!

Chris has been at MCRD in San Diego since 12/13
He left on the 12th so it has been 18 days.
We received a Form letter with his address on Monday. We had 6 letters in the mail to him by Tuesday morning. And there have been 3 more since.
Today we received our first REAL mail from him. 2 letters.
They were everything we hoped for - long letters that told us things were going well.
They made us laugh out loud.

Oh how I LOVE my son!!

He even wrote us a poem

Hello mudda, Hello fadda
Here I am in
San Diego
It ain't nice though
It's pretty rainy
Sometimes all this training
gets a little draining

His sense of humor shines through.
Oh do I MISS my son!!
But I believe he is right where God wants him right now.

Oh how PROUD I am of my son!!

Mail days are HAPPY DAYS - here's to many more Happy Days!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Goodbye and Hello

Chris and Dad

Chris and His godparents

With Grandpa and Grandma

Chris and Megan

with Nick and Jackie

with C & D

A new Grampa and Gramma were also born!!

Our first grandsons

The family

How can we end up with this many unmatched socks in just 4 days?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rollercoaster ride

The past few days have had it's ups and down. Saturday we were in a snowstorm. We had 17 people at our house for a soup supper to wish Chris goodbye. He asked his grandparents, his godparents, C and D a couple from church -(if you have read here before they are Sr. Mary's parent's), his girlfriend and a cousin and his family including their 4 kids. It was a nice send off.

On Sunday we went to our usual 10:30 mass and sat in our usual pew in the front. Poor Father Matthew we had asked him to meet with us after church to bless Chris. So he knew when he looked at us why there were tears in our eyes. Father could not look at us for most of mass. DH and I cried for most of mass each time we heard Chris sing, we love to hear Chris sing at mass. We along with our friends C and D cried during the communion hymn which I think was the same one used the last weekend Sr. Mary left. We had planned to go for breakfast but instead realized time was short with the roads so bad so we headed to Caribou for our usual after mass coffee time. Too soon it was time to go to his girlfriends house to pick her up. Then off to the recruiting office. A few quick hugs and it was time to say good bye.

I have not seen my husband cry like that for a long time.

Monday morning Chris called us from Mpls and in the evening from Dallas letting us know where he was and checking for updates on his nephews.

We left for Wisconsin at 7:30 Monday morning a trip that normally takes 4 hours took 7 1/2 after the weekend snowstorm. We spent a little time with Brittany and Ken and then headed to the hotel to wait for their phone call. The call came at 12:30 in the morning waking us up with the news that our grandsons had arrived safely at 11:30 and 11:53 on 12/13/10. They are named Elijah Peter and Michael Todd. They are both little peanuts and named after the grandpas. Peter is Ken's dad and Todd is Brittany's dad.

As far as we can tell Christopher would have been getting off the bus in MCRD at about the time Elijah and Michael were entering the world.

Tuesday morning we met our grandsons at 8:30 AM - the trip home was thankfully uneventful.
Our emotions from Saturday through Tuesday reached highs and lows - we are exhausted.

Last night we missed the call Chris is allowed to make home to let us know he was there. He left us a message on answering machine at home.

As I write this I am sitting in Brittany and Ken's living room watching them care for their babies.
Hopefully this roller coaster ride will end soon and I will be able to get some sleep.

Dear Lord we thank you for the blessing of these 2 little boys and we ask you keep Chris safe and healthy.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

He's on his way.......

We dropped Chris off at the recruiters office at 3PM. He had a wallet with $20, his ID, his SS#, an address book. In his pocket he had a change of underwear. We also sent a book for him to finish reading and 2 magazines which we were told he would need to throw in the garbage at the hotel in the morning. We had planned that he would throw them away in the airport. We thought he could read on the plane.

We cried.
We are still crying.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

5 days or Our Own Toy Story 3

It seems like yesterday I wrote 35 days......

Today there are 5 days until Chris leaves. Wednesday he will spend in the cities with the recruiters running and working out at the Metrodome. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Sunday. We will go to mass and have coffee. Should we go out to eat? Should we make breakfast /brunch? We have to have him at the recruiters office at 3 PM.

It is coming too fast.

But this evening we laughed.

I had been given a bunch of grandma and grandpa toys since we have few things left. There were some trucks and other things definitely for when these grand babies are a bit older. Yesterday afternoon Chris helped me take this stuff down to the furnace room for storage. Some went in the closet where legos and a few other toys are stored that survived our kids childhood and our need for storage. While we were finding places for the trucks and toys Chris found the soldiers he played with growing up. The little green army men and the 13 inch pose-able soldiers - boy barbies if you will (just don't tell him I said that)!!!

He became so excited and grabbed the box of soldiers carrying it upstairs to check them out for his nephews. Yeah right - the nephews aren't even born yet. Last night he went on line to try to find army figures for his nephews. Today he checked out Toys R Us and Target. They do not carry any real soldier type figures.

Chris was really bummed and started to look on line the first one he found cost $115. Then while he was sorting through the box and sorting out gear he found them stamped with the model/ maker. he looked the maker up on line and found the original ones that he has on Amazon for $35 to $50 and up. He bookmarked the page and then he finished sorting and dressing them.... I think one of them was used in a racy bachelorette party a couple years ago..... He also broke a leg of one of them trying to put a boot on. -hope that doesn't happen in REAL life!!

And now the soldiers are sitting on the dresser in his room waiting for the day his nephews can play with them.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

almost hump day - December 1st

My kids

I am home from work and I am reflecting on the past week.
With the travel and the busyness of the weekend festivities I have had little time to prepare for advent. I don't want to lose sight of Advent. It seems like I am still overwhelmed with other things. Tomorrow is December 1st. My guess for the grand-babies birthday is Dec 2nd. It looks like I will lose. However since they will make me a grandma I am a winner!

Brittany and Ken

Saturday we celebrated Christmas. It was fun. The weekend was little heart wrenching at times knowing that after the 13th we do not know when we will all be together again.

It was hard for Kelsey and she had a minor breakdown at one point feeling like the odd man out. Both boys had their girlfriends there for our Christmas celebration. And however much everyone tried to ensure she was not left out there came a time when she simply felt alone with all of us and simply put she had a hissy fit- a drama time. She acted like a 4 year old and she probably was more embarrassed after.


I think it has been hard knowing that the next time she comes home Chris will be gone. All of us will get to see him over the next 2 weeks. She will not. She has been the farthest away during this time. Brittany might get to see him again depending on when the babies arrive. I need to remember that each of us reacts differently to changes and loss in our lives whether the loss is real or perceived.

Nick and Jackie

Tonight Chris is cleaning his room. He is packing up books and belongings. Who knows when he will need these things again. He has moved the desk out creating a place for a crib to be set up. It makes me want to cry. The time is getting closer.

When the girls left for college I could go visit them and talk to them on the phone or computer they could come home when they were homesick. For the next 3 months we will be able to write letters. We know we will see him at his graduation and after that June? Sometimes I would like to have my own hissy fit. I want to have control over something that I have no control over.

I already know that I will miss my son. Will he be homesick? Will he know how much he is missed? Will I be able to be the support that Todd and the other kids need when they go through their own time of missing Chris?
Oh Lord please give me the peace and strength I need to send my baby- my youngest son off to Boot Camp.

Chris and Megan

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Over the River and through the woods....

Today we are supposed to leave for Brit and Ken's . Please pray I get done with work early. That the weather holds. That the rest of the family arrive safely today (Kelsey) and Friday. That Brit has a good appointment at the clinic today, that all is well with her and the babies and that she travels safely to and from this appointment.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Feeling better

I am feeling better.
I still have a cough but I don't sound like a frog any more.
Cold air causes me to start coughing and we are having a lot of cold here right now. This morning was 9 degrees. The inhaler does work when you know what to do!!

I have had little energy to do anything so we will make do with what we have. We are expecting a storm to be moving into the midwest and I am worried that we might have to wait until Friday morning to head Wisconsin for our festivities. However I am also worried that the weather conditions could get things moving for the little momma and our festivities will take place at the hospital.
The house is fairly clean and I have been trying to keep up with laundry but I am not prepared for food stuff. And I have a lot of patient charting to catch up on. Today is my short day so I should be able to get these things done but my concentration is awful!! I think it is the prednisone or the inhaler or a combination of the 2 but my ability to sit and work is non-existent. Which is why I am sitting here instead of doing the work I need to do !!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Binga Banga Boom or teaching is easier then doing

I'm still sick.
I still have a cough and sinus congestion.

in the past 13 days I have gone through nearly 4 boxes of Kleenex.
My nose has a callous under it just above my lip from blowing and wiping.

Today I saw the doctor. Although the chest x ray looked ok and did not show any pneumonia he would not rule out a pneumonia or bacterial infection based on something he saw at the base of the lungs involving my diaphragm and that I have been fighting this for 2 weeks. So he said he could treat me with an antibiotic, or prednisone or an inhaler. I came home with all three.

I took everything right away. I still feel sick. I thought if I did everything I'd be better.

binga banga boom. All better. Not so.

I have never in my life had a chest x ray. I have never used an inhaler. I have taught people how to use an inhaler. It is much harder then it looks. (Maybe because I'm mostly Polish and can't chew gum and walk.)
So I shake the inhaler. I take a few deep breaths. I let all the air out and I start to inhale with my lips wrapped correctly around the inhaler. I use the inhaler and the spray hits the tip of my tongue. Seriously? I wasn't expecting that. Now I know why I teach the use of a spacer :)
2nd try or puff or what ever you call it. Same thing. Medicine on the tip of my tongue how much got into my lungs where it needs to be?
So tonight I use it again this time I was better -the first inhalation.
I had shared this little episode at bible study and everyone was laughing at the nurse who can't use an inhaler. Now as I am using the inhaler DH is reminding me of the talk at bible study as I am carefully trying to get it right. 2nd inhale - the spray hit the tip of my tongue again. dang !! I am going to bed and hoping I can get it right in my sleep. Teaching this is no where near as difficult as doing.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Wedding, Christmas plans and other family things

Our 5th family wedding for the year was yesterday - we traveled to the cities in the first snowfall of the year. The wedding was beautiful and we were able to spend quality time with many family members. My niece Maria was absolutely radiant and they (the bride and groom) looked so happy.

Our son Chris said lots of goodbyes to aunts, uncles and cousins - this is the last time he will see most of them before he ships out. He hopes to be back for the next wedding scheduled in June 2011.

We had lots of questions about how Brit and the babies were doing. It is a good thing we had just been there and I was able to answer the questions.

Jackie, Nicks girlfriend, caught the bridal bouquet - actually the bouquet was really 3 separate ones so 3 girls 'caught' the bouquet. And one of them, Anna, the brides sister, became engaged TODAY. - WOW do those bouquets work fast.

Kelsey was bummed missing the wedding. Friday at 8 PM she was still trying to figure out a ride to the cities so she could be there.

My brother Brad showed up for the reception for a short time. He was involved in a hunting accident last Sunday. He is doing well after spending several nights in the hospital. Most of his recovery will be from the 8-10 foot fall out of the tree stand. Family who saw him in the hospital said he looks amazing compared to where he had been just a few short days ago.

I am still recovering from this cold. It still stinks. I am going back to work tomorrow. I want to be sure I have enough PTO days to have time off when the babies come home. I have a feeling there will be a well worn road from our house to the babies by next summer.

We are almost completely ready for our early family Christmas. Since Chris leaves December 13th and since we knew Brit would most likely be on bed-rest or at least not able to travel 4+ hours. We decided to have Christmas at Brit and Ken's the Saturday after Thanksgiving. T and I and Kelsey will spend Thanksgiving with them then on Friday we plan to decorate their house putting up the tree and whatever else Brit wants. Nick and Chris and their girlfriends will come on Friday. Saturday we will wake up and have Christmas just like it is Christmas morning.

Traditionally most everyone in my extended family celebrates on Christmas Eve. T's family never really celebrated Christmas. We always spent Christmas Eve at my parents so we always did our thing on Christmas morning. This was necessary since Todd had church obligations for all masses. Christmas Brunch and gift opening with games and family time in the afternoon always worked best for us.

We realize Christmas is not about presents and we will celebrate Christmas at Christmas but this year is special. I think we are ready - I feel ready. I have presents to wrap and really just 3 things to buy that will need to be wrapped. Food to buy and prepare. The kids already told me what they would like and it is all the simplest things we made from the time they were little. I hope to bake a few cookies either on Friday or the weekend before Thanksgiving.

Please Lord be with us and with our family. Keep us safe - protect us. Help us to use the time we have together to be joyous and filled with good memories.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chicken Noodle Soup

I am sick and it stinks. I have been trying to save PTO for when those grand-babies arrive.
After being at the little momma's house for another work weekend I came home with dry lips and a scratchy throat. I thought it was just from their house being dry and I told them they needed to get a humidifier going. I was also in and out of the room where the floor was sanded without a mask so I thought it was just irritation.
Monday I had off and I stayed home I was so tired I didn't even get out to run errands or do laundry or anything.
Tuesday I had a really bad sore throat I showed up for work and came home since it was so bad. Wednesday I was feeling better so I went to work and then the sneezing and nose blowing started. I worked in the morning and then had CPR class in the afternoon. I blew my nose non-stop throughout CPR. I had my own mannequin but I felt like my head was foggy I could not concentrate.
Today I called in sick again. The headache, sinus pressure, nasal drainage and cough have laid me low. I made chicken noodle soup and hopefully it helps. And the area under my nose hurts from blowing I didn't know it was possible to blow so much ick out of your nose.
I took a nap and feel like I could take another one.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Help - wanted: a military charm

We had friends in DC this past May and they brought me back this charm

I am now trying to locate a similar design in the Air Force or Air Guard insignia

Anyone going to Arlington or anywhere else that might sell this type of thing? Could you look for a charm with the Air guard or Air Force insignia like this one? This charm is a little smaller than a dime and on the back of the card there is the Enlisted Marine Corps Soldiers oath.

I have been trying to locate this on line and have not found one with the colored insignia like this.

Monday, November 8, 2010

35 days

I just read on my youngest son's facebook page that he has 35 days left until he gets his life started.

Just 35 days until he leaves for boot camp.

35 days.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


I read this on the facebook page of an 18 year old college freshman. I had the pleasure of having her in bible study her senior year of high school. She was best friends with our friend Sister Mary - Nashville Dominicans.
I can't help but think how many Catholics miss this when they go to mass. This is why I have hope for our church and our faith. We have young people who get it and are taking the time to educate themselves and to experience what the Mass offers. They have an appreciation for Mass that is missing in so many Catholics. Thank God for the blessings of Nikki and Sr. Mary and young people everywhere making a difference in their lives and in the lives of others.

In Mass the other night, I was thinking about how although the angels see God face-to-face all the time and are with Him in Heaven right now, they can never be united to God in the same way that we are when we receive Him in the Eucharist. just think about it... God literally receives us into Himself when we receive Him in a way that is so incredible that not even the angels have experienced anything so amazing!! (copied from N.W.)

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Last night we went to a dinner theater to see I Do I Do.

We went with my younger brother and sister and their spouses.

We were the last of the family to see this show and it was fun. It was great to visit with my siblings and a wonderful show to see.

My parents had 5 babies by their 10th wedding anniversary in 1960. And as the story goes they had planned for their anniversary with a rare babysitter and plans for a date to celebrate.
Instead they spent the night fighting a fire in the woods set by coon hunters.

My parents (Mom) made certain that each of us had a special 10th anniversary. She speculated that at this time in a couples life money was tight and time for each other was short. So they supplied the sitter and the tickets to The Chanhassen Dinner Theater. The 1st 6 couples saw "I DO I DO". Which had a run of 20 years from early 1971 to the spring of 1993.
Todd and I saw Fiddler on the Roof and the last 2 couples Beth and Paul and Blaine and Lisa saw Brigadoon for their 10th anniversaries.

I DO I DO is a wonderful musical following a couple for 50 years the ups and the downs. It is a celebration of marriage. And written in a different era with talk of marriage being a sacrament. The wedding dress with long sleeves. The innocence of a couple sharing a bed for the first time on their wedding night. It was a clear reminder to me of the changes in our society.
Here are the lyrics to one of my favorite songs in the musical. I found my DH downloaded thie song from iTunes clearly his favorite also.

My Cup Runneth Over
by Ed Ames

Sometimes in the mornin' when shadows are deep
I lie here beside you just watching you sleep
And sometimes I whisper what I'm thinking of
My cup runneth over with love

Sometimes in the evening when you do not see
I study the small things you do constantly
I memorize moments that I'm fondest of
My cup runneth over with love

In only a moment we both will be old
We won't even notice the world turning cold
And so, in these moments with sunlight above
My cup runneth over with love
My cup runneth over with love
With love.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My pg daughter

Is it fair for a grandma to post her daughter's pregnancy pics?
Perhaps not - but this is one excited grand-ma-ma
I have to get that 2nd ma in there since there are 2 babes

Oct 16th we were at a family wedding and I took these pics of my pregnant daughter with 2 cousins that were also expecting.

I have them in order of due date
A - in the white top had a beautiful baby boy last night 7 lbs 9 oz he was about 3 weeks early.
Brit - is due Dec 26th however her Doc has moved her date to Dec 13th
T -is due Jan 1st this is her 2nd pregnancy

Then I started to look through my pics for pregnancy pics of Brit

Brit and K had just found out they were expecting at Number 4's graduation

These are from late June

I bet you thought I was going to post more pictures of my daughters bump!!

I am..........
Aug 18th -
This is Brit and her friend C who had a beautiful baby boy -Blake Sept 16th

Labor Day weekend I went to help out as Brit was finishing the nursery mural

October 2nd Brittany's cousin Gina hosted a baby shower for Brittany, K and the boys

This is Brit with her cousins Gina and Heather on October 16th - Heather is the bride -
this is the same day as the first pic with the 3 cousins

We are going to see them in 10 days - We are going to help get a few things ready around their house.

And we will be back the week of Thanksgiving to celebrate Thanksgiving with them and on that Saturday we are having our Christmas celebration at Brit & K's house. We plan to keep this all low key for Brit and the babies but with Chris leaving for boot camp on Dec 13th we wanted to be sure we are able to have Christmas before he leaves.
Of course this is all up in the air as the babies have the final say in how things are going to turn out. This weekend we are going to go and do our Christmas shopping so we are ready.

Monday, October 25, 2010

October is almost over & I'm closer to being a baby holding grandma

I really don't have a reason for this blog.
I am not certain what it is for or where it will go.

Right now I see 2 things happening the first is that I am using it to come out of lurkdom. There are times I want to comment on a blog entry and not feel like I am a creeper.
The other reason is that my life is so full these days and this gives me a place to reflect on the busy-ness of life. I always thought as the kids grew up and graduated that life would quiet down and there would be less to do.

Reality is that we are busier and needing to travel more with the girls living 4.5 and 6.5 hours away. I am preparing for more time on the road when our grand-babies arrive (In less than 7 weeks)!

Both boys are now set for boot camp. Chris leaves in December with graduation in San Diego in March and Nick leaves next July with graduation in San Antonio in September. Nick will return to Minnesota after graduation and do weekend drills. Chris went active duty and we think he will out east somewhere for advanced training and school for about a year. And then we expect he will be overseas.

I wish I could go part time at work especially after a weekend like this past one. I love my job but I desire to be able to help my children out with grandchildren if I am able.
back to my reason for this blog - for now I will write for myself without a real direction and ask for guidance if there needs to be something more.

Fall leaves have all fallen and the weekend has been rainy and wet. We still have mosquitoes though, it has not been cold enough to freeze them out. Here are a few fall pics from a walk in my parents woods before the leaves were gone.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A goal accomplished

Our son Nick wanted to join the Air Guard. When he graduated from High School that was his plan. He didn't want to go to college - he wanted to go to boot camp. With some medical delays he was forced to wait until the October after his graduation to enlist. But on the Monday before Labor day I came home from work to find him at home, not at his much needed job. When hubs arrived home I explained that Nick was home and I wasn't certain why he wasn't at work. My DH noticed a hospital band on Nicks wrist and he told Nick if he was having medical tests it would be nice to keep us informed, as we would be paying the bills. Nick very angry (and afraid) snapped that he had been in the clinic and the hospital all day having tests, and that the clinic called wanting him back before they closed to go over his tests. As he slammed out of the house he yelled "And they haven't ruled out cancer"

Cancer -what an ugly word. Life Changing. The fact that the clinic called to see him before closing, that they wanted to go over the results of the tests in person scared me. I asked if he wanted us to with him he said no. An hour later he called home and asked if I could go to a surgeon's appointment with him the next day. At home he told us he had been having swelling and increased pain in his groin all weekend. It became so severe on Monday he went to our doctor.

His appointment with the urologist was for 10 AM on Tuesday. After an exam and discussion Nick was told he would have to have surgery to remove the testicle. Most definitely cancer, not certain of the stage. The surgeon said he had time at 1:30 today or Thursday. Nick chose Thursday but after the surgeon left the room I asked why he was waiting - the outcome wouldn't be different and his anxiety would increase over the next few days. Nick decided to have surgery that same day. By 9 PM we were back at home with our son. A life changing diagnosis and a life changing surgery in just a few short hours. On Friday of that same week, just 3 days later, he met with the oncologist. He was given 3 choices. First chemotherapy - several meds for short duration and follow up for a few years. 2nd was surgery from below his sternum to his groin to remove lymph nodes. The possibility of certain physical problems with this surgery put it on the no list, don't even want to consider it. 3rd he could have exams every month then every 2 months then 3 months then 4 months and so on for 5-6 years with the possibility that the cancer was not contained during the surgery to remove the testicle. Nick chose chemotherapy. He wanted the shortest possible treatment to get him back to living his life.

Treatment was completed with a just a few hitches. His hair was falling out at the end of week 1 by week 7 he was done with his treatment. Enlisting and Boot Camp were out of the question. The recruiters told him 3 years and he could try again. He had to go to college that January to stay on our insurance since he was turning 19. But he didn't do well -with continued fatigue and terrible classes, like the History of Rock and Roll. He slept a lot, lost a lot of weight and failed every class that spring. It was 18 months after surgery and treatment that he told us he felt normal again.

He continued with school and has an Associate degree in Advertising and Design with an emphasis in photography. He works full time and continues to attend college for an additional degree. After 3 years he went back to enlist. He was rejected again and again and again. I lost count of the number of times he met with recruiters. The number of times he was told no.

Then a few months ago he received his clearance now he needed to find a job -his MOS. He wanted to be a load master (whatever that is) actually he wanted to be a lot of things but many jobs were closed to him because he is color blind or in military language color deficient. But he persevered again and yesterday we received the call we had been waiting all day to hear - "Well it's official I have enlisted in the Air Guard. My first drill weekend will be in October."

At Nicks request the recruiter cut off the LIVESTRONG bracelet that Nick has worn for the 6 years since his cancer.

Goal Accomplished. Congratulations Nick.


Nick with his sisters last Christmas

All 4 at #4's graduation

Sunday, October 17, 2010

60 years

Today we celebrated my parents 60th wedding anniversary. My dad is 85 and my mom is 78. They'd asked their priest for a anniversary blessing at the end of mass. They were not planning on a big celebration since we had a family wedding in Minneapolis yesterday and they felt it was just too much. So this was supposed to be simple and quiet. We made plans to be at the church - as many as could make it. And a few showed up, 102 at my best count. My parents did'nt have any idea we were all there until when they went to the back of the church to get the gifts they caught sight of a granddaughter. And they cried. We didn't get to see or really hear the blessing he gave since we had all exited after communion and were in the church entrance. When Father gave us a nod we all came forward starting with my oldest brother and his family and on down the line until we had each given them a rose. After mass we went to the church basement for rolls. It was a beautiful way to celebrate a 60th anniversary.

Downside to the day was the fact that this is a very small country church and when you add 102 people there is no place for the parishioners to sit in their regular places. This is a 3 parish cluster and 10 o'clock is usually a full mass so we displaced quite a few people. I felt anxiety about being there and taking up someones 'usual' space. And I felt bad that to honor my parents Mass ran over 15 minutes (mass started 5 minutes late as chairs were being set up). I felt bad that some people left before the final blessing and hymn. I know I should not feel bad about going over 15 minutes or that we took someones spot but I do. I do have anxiety about disrupting what should be prayerful time of the week for community. But there is a part of me that realizes that some of these people may have been from the other 2 parishes - that they do not know my parents and were annoyed. Some may be at mass to get their ticket punched for the week. But there were lots of people that gave my folks cards and well wishes.

So I am glad that this time was spent today. It is so much better to celebrate now knowing that too soon we will be there for a funeral.

So funny story. My parents have been receiving cards in the mail and this past week they received a card with a laminated copy of their anniversary announcement from the weekly Diocesan paper. The note was simple and said congratulations... blah blah blah signed The Daniel-Williams family.
My parents do not know anyone from the Daniel-Williams family
this is a marketing tool..............for an area FUNERAL HOME !!!
It really made us all laugh out loud - how hard it must be to market a funeral home.

My Mom and Dad with all 9 kids and spouses

Just mom and Dad and kids

These next 2 pictures are from the family wedding yesterday 10/16/10

Monday, October 11, 2010

He is off for boot camp

This past week we had supper at our house for Michael and his parents and the boys recruiter. The recruiter brought his wife and 1 year old daughter. It was a difficult night. Michael leaves today he will be 2 months ahead of Chris.

Chris and Michael went camping for 3 days. They have been talking about doing this all summer. It was a time for them to talk and spend time together. This weekend Michael said goodbye to his girlfriend. He told us they both cried. I know Chris and Megan will be going through the same good byes in a few short weeks.

These 2 young men have soft caring hearts but they are both totally committed to the decision they have made to serve our country.

How can we not be proud of the men and women who have chose to enlist and serve our country. The night of the supper I took pictures of the boys smoking cigars - these are the only pictures I have of that night.

Please pray for our soldiers.